Emergency Mitigation Services
If you have a Workplace Violence Emergency or Immediate Threat...
FIRST... call 911 or the emergency services number in your area!
Then... Call the 24/7 Emergency Mitigation & Recovery Hotline to your right for immediate assistance!
Workplace Violence Consulting
There is no doubt that in today's world your company needs a sound workplace violence management "system." A system unique and tailored to your company. WCI Consulting, a division of Warrior Concepts International, can help you at every stage of your project. This includes positioning and policy development to security and threat assessment team building, and from incident control to litigation support.
We'll help you build teams focused on producing positive outcomes, and our Business Continuity Services will help you keep things running while recovering from an incident should one occur.
Employee Safety & Self-Defense Training
WCI Consulting knows that a conventional workplace violence policy based on "zero tolerance," "banned-weapons" lists, and punitive action statements isn't going to protect you from an actual act of violence.
Our experts have extensive training and real-world experience. This includes not only handling a wide variety of attacks, but also what types of attacks and attack methodologies are used by potential attackers. This knowledge and experience, as well as the ETHICS of using self-defense, is behind every training program we create for you - each tailored to your needs.
Threat Assessment & Policy Review
WCI's trained, professionals have your best interests in mind. We are independent consultants focused on identifying weaknesses and potential threats to both executive management and employees at all levels. Then, we can help you close those gaps.
Our extensive Threat Assessment is the FIRST critical element in making your company "Attack-Proof!" Then, we can sit down with your team and show you how we can help you develop and implement a solid plan, including effective policies, improved security measures, and training designed to make your company more safe - before, during, and after an attack.

Why Should You Choose WCI for Your Workplace Violence Prevention, Security, Training, and Business Continuity Needs?
As you know, the greatest compliment that a client can give is to refer you to others. WCI strives to always exceed expectations and provide information, professional service, and training programs unlike any other available elsewhere.
See what a few of our clients, and those who have participated in our workplace violence training and employee self-defense programs, have to say about WCI and our leader, Jeffrey M. Miller SPS, DTI.
Real Case Studies from Other Professionals Like You...

From the first eye-opening presentation given by WCI's Jeffrey Miller, covering the problem of workplace violence, we knew we had to take action to insure the safety and protection of everyone at Sunbury Textile Mills. Our problem was that we had never embarked on anything like this and admitted as much at the onset of the project.
But, WCI has made what appeared to be a daunting process, as easy as possible, literally walking us step-by-step along the way. Since hiring WCI and receiving that first extensive report from the initial security assessment, WCI has helped us develop a fully dedicated and trained security department, threat assessment team, and core response team. They have also guided us through the process of creating SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) for this new area of our business, rolling the new workplace violence training program out to the general employee population, and provided the training we needed at all levels to insure that this was more than just a “feel good” endeavor.
Employees and management alike tell us that they feel more safe and, more importantly, that Sunbury Textile Mills cares about their safety and well-being. The morale and buy-in on this project has been tremendous, and we're not even finished yet.
I highly recommend Warrior Concepts and WCI Consulting to any company or organization looking to protect itself against the threat and damaging effects of violence in the workplace.
Brian Burke
VP of Operations
Sunbury Textile Mills
Sunbury, Pa.
We commenced a collaborative project aimed at the improved security of the school cafeteria environment as well as individual personal protection. This was not a main stream idea, and yet Mr. Miller immediately recognized its potential benefits to the Hempfield School District Child Nutrition Department. Mr. Miller brought a wealth of experience and analytical skills to this project which will undoubtedly ensure its ongoing success. He demonstrated an ability and willingness to seek out new techniques, keeping our work environment in mind.
Mr. Miller is a highly focused, enthusiastic and fully committed professional. He is meticulous in researching the relevant technical and scientific basis to his presentation, which brings a broader perspective and unique direction to each participant. As a confident and articulate martial arts instructor, with over 25 years of experience, he can express ideas and concepts to the non-expert which enhance the confidence of the average person.
Mr. Miller is warm and engaging, passionate about his work, encouraging every participant to employ the tactics he’s shown. Mr. Miller is highly respected by me and my colleagues for his integrity, his passion for the art, and his ability to network at various levels in order to assimilate the information necessary. He is tireless in exploring areas at the cutting edge of security, personal protection, and the martial arts.
I encourage anyone who has the chance to experience personal instruction, or a seminar with Jeffrey Miller or Warrior Concepts International to do so immediately. Your life will be enriched!"
Joan L. Fitzsimmons, Supervisor
CN Department , Hempfield School District
200 Church Street, Landisville, PA 17538
"Mr. Miller’s approach to self protection and occupational/work-place safety is both thorough and effective. Drawing on over two decades of martial arts, military, police and protection experience, he is able to distill the most useful aspects of self protection from a larger body of knowledge and package and present them in a way that makes them accessible to, and effective for, average people without the need for years of training. Mr. Miller teaches effective tactics for dealing with all stages of a developing situation, but his brains-over-brawn approach emphasizes the use of awareness and strategy to help avoid the need for physical confrontation. His methods are highly effective. Several of my students and I attend his training events at every possible opportunity."
John Healy
Senior Manager of Software Engineering
Oakville, Ontario
"Jeffrey is an out-of-the-box thinker who is always ready for a challenging assignment. He is goal and results oriented and is one of the most competent people I know. His "Occam's Razor" approach to problem solving allows him to achieve his goals in the shortest time possible. and he works well independently, without the need for supervision that would be needed for a junior person. His grasp of technology and working remotely allow him to work with organizations anywhere in the world.
Ric Jones
Owner & VP
MoJo Active
Williamsport, Pa.
"...broader perspective and unique direction..."

Since 1993
Strategic Planning & Training That Comes Only from Experience!
Warrior Concepts International custom tailors every service and training program to the unique needs of your company. We're here to protect everything from your reputation and risk of liability, to the safety and well-being of your management and employees from actual, real-world violence in the workplace. And...
...If you're the manager tasked by your CEO to put this into effect in your business, WCI will be your "Ace-in-the-Hole." Our expertise and guidance will make you look great!
Why trust your business to a conventional security company focused only on cameras, locks, and badges; or a consultant who will only quote OSHA guidelines and offer you a reworked template focused only on prevention and reporting, while leaving you exposed to the effects of the operative word in the equation... "VIOLENCE?" WCI is a highly specialized consulting firm focusing primarily on keeping you and your people safe during an actual, unpreventable act of violence.
Warrior Concepts understands the nature and sources of violence, because our team of experienced consultants and trainers have been there - in actual, real-world scenarios where what we knew and applied had to be right!
We also understand the confusion and problems you face when creating your policies, and in correctly determining exactly what you need. That's why Warrior Concepts International is different, because we're here to not only keep you safe but, more importantly, to protect you, your company, and your people in those moments...
When Prevention is NOT Enough!
Workplace Violence Survival Experts
Jeffrey M. Miller SPS, DTI, president and CEO of WCI Consulting, is the senior executive in charge of the workplace violence prevention, management, and consulting branch of Warrior Concepts International, Inc. Mr. Miller is an internationally known and recognized consultant, author, speaker, and trainer in the realms of self-defense, attack avoidance, assault evasion and personal safety. He is a former federal law enforcement officer and undercover investigator, private detective and member of the United States Army Military Police Corps. He has also served on personal protection details as a bodyguard for His Holiness, the Dalai Lama of Tibet and several other Tibetan teachers visiting the U.S.; the Commanding General during Operation "Urgent Fury" in Grenada; U.S. and foreign dignitaries during a memorial dedication along the DMZ, and several members of the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders during a USO tour in South Korea.
Mr. Miller has over 30 years of leadership, management and real-world law enforcement and security experience in dealing with aggressive and violent individuals. He specializes in identifying weaknesses in security systems and training individuals in proven and time-tested methods for handling and surviving violence and violent individuals. Mr. Miller and his team of professional expert consultants regularly give keynote presentations, conducts risk and threat assessments, designs and improves upon current policies and procedures, and conducts both executive/management and employee-level training, and creates "train-the-trainer" programs for corporate and local site level security and threat assessment teams for:
- Major Corporations
- Universities & School Districts
- Hospitals & Healthcare Organizations
- Consulting Groups
- Manufacturing Companies
- Social Services Agencies
When you contact WCI Consulting regarding your organization's needs, you will receive a personal reply and attention directly from Mr. Miller. That's how important you are, and how serious we are about helping you secure your company against violence in the workplace.
* All serious inquiries receive a complimentary copy of Mr. Miller's special report, "Attack-Proof Your Facility," which will provide you with some very important and much-needed information about this critically important threat to companies like yours in today's world. That way, regardless of whether or not you choose to partner with WCI Consulting, you will be better able to put some of the necessary pieces in place to protect your company, your assets, and your people.

Next Steps...
24/7 Emergency Mitigation Services:
If you have a workplace violence emergency or immediate threat, FIRST... call 911, or the emergency service number in your area, and then call this number for immediate 24/7 assistance! +1-570-850-2228
Take Action now BEFORE the Worst Happens!
REMEMBER: Violence is RANDOM! It can strike at any time, and in any form!
Pick up the phone right now and call to speak with one of our expert security advisors, while this is top-of-mind. Call +1-570-884-1119, before an act of workplace violence has a chance to damage your company!